Single Event

Single Event


Title: the title will be visible to your participants 

Internal notes: internal notes help you to stay organized if you have many courses in the future. Only admins can see these notes. 

Duration: duration indicates the period of the course, and how long it will be available for completion. 

Event settings 

Join URL: the link where the students will be able to access the event. 

Enable comments: there is a  toggle option where it gives the option for users to comment or reply to comments for this event. 

Seed question: provide a "seed question" to guide and focus the discussion. 

A picture can also be linked with the event, to make it more appealing to the users to participate by providing a visual. 

Short description: can include max 150 characters 

Description: make your participants understand what it is all about and why it is worth signing up for this course. 

Enrolled Users: the users that have enrolled in this course will appear in this section, you can remove them from accessing the course by clicking on the user icon on the right corner. 

Access request: if the self-enrollment is not activated, the requests to enrol will appear in this section. 


Pricing: set your price and currency in this field. If no price is set, students can enrol or request access without any check-out process. 

Difficulty: it is optional to categorize the difficulty of the event content. 

Instructor: you can assign one or multiple instructors to an event. 

Admin tags: these tags will help you to keep your events library organized in the future. You can assign multiple tags separated by a semicolon. These tags are only visible to admins. 

Featured events: if enabled, this event will appear in the featured activities list. There is a toggle switch to activate or deactivate. 

Course Specific Terms: the terms you enter here will replace the standard Terms and Conditions you have set for your account for this course only. If left blank, your standard terms apply. There is a toggle switch to activate or deactivate the visibility. 

Publication settings 

Find more here.

Email templates: a new template can be created or you can use a template from a previously created collection.  Through the email template option, you create a personalized email to send off to users while engaging in a specific course. 

There is the option to set it as active or inactive via the toggle option. Find more here.

Types of events

Onsite: in the event settings section you will be able to set a location and venue for the event to take place. 

Microsoft Teams: to sign in to your Microsoft Teams account, you will first be redirected to the login page.


The events/meetings must be created and modified through the Microsoft Teams website/app.  Then they will appear in this section to create an event within Mindseed: 


Zoom Meetings: the login procedure and requirement for having an event scheduled on the appropriate platform are the same for Zoom Teams and Microsoft Teams.

Custom: the previous settings mentioned apply, simply add the link you want to apply in the Join URL. 

Use template Option 

Choosing to create a new event using a template option would result in the new event having a pre-existing interface base. You can edit normally without the changes applying to the original template. 
Single Event

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