Publication Settings

Publication Settings

Find the video tutorial here.


Here you will be able to set the audience where your course will be visible. Publish your course and make it visible to your customers. There is a toggle switch to activate or deactivate. 

By publishing your course it means that it will be visible on the webpage.

Enrolment date: from this date, enrollment is open to your students. If left blank, enrollment is open anytime as long as the course is visible in your course catalogue. 

Start date: from this date, your course contents are accessible to enroled participants. If left blank, contents are accessible immediately from enrolment.

End date: from this date, your customers will no longer have access to the course content.

Self-enrolmentif enabled, participants can enrol on your course without being approved by you.

Max enrolmentset the maximum number of participants who can enrol on your course. If left blank, there is no limit.

Enable unenrol: if enabled, participants can unenrol (quit the course) at any time. For paid courses make sure to have a refund policy in place that explicitly covers the scenario of self-unenrolment.

These options can be activated by toggling the switch.


Here you will be able to set the audience where your course will be visible. 

Everybody: your course will be publicly visible in your catalogue to everyone according to your publication settings. 

Specific audience: your course will be visible only to specific users based on the audiences you set below. 
  1. Invitation link: Anybody with this link can view and enrol to/purchase the course according to publication dates and enrolment settings. Copy the link and share it with your customers. 
  2. Specific Users: Only users with a specified email will be able to view and enrol on the course. 
  3. Whitelisted domains: Everything after the @ in an email specifies the domain. Eg., and would be the domain. You can add multiple domains separated by a comma. Only users whose email matches with any of the whitelisted domains can view and enrol on the course. 


Multilingual is only available for the enterprise plan.
Find the video tutorial here.

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