Course Settings

Course Settings

Find it Quickly: Learning > Courses

General Settings

Find the video tutorial here.
Titlethis title will be visible to your participants 

Internal notesinternal notes help you to stay organized if you have many courses in the future. Only admins can see these notes. 

Durationduration indicates how long the course will be available for completion. 

Time invest: the actual time needed to complete the course. 

Short descriptionmax 150 characters is recommended.

Descriptionmake your participants understand what your course is all about and why it is worth signing up for.


Find the video tutorial here.
Pricing: set your price and currency in this field. If no price is set, students can enrol or request access without any check-out process. 
Difficulty:  it is optional to categorize the difficulty of the course.

Instructor: you can assign one or multiple instructors in a course.

You can set different images for your course in all available languages. However, you can keep only one image for each language. 

Admin Tagsthese tags will help you to keep your course library organized in the future. You can assign multiple tags separated by a semicolon. These tags are only visible to admins. 
Featured Courses: if you activate it, this course will appear in the list of featured activities. There is a toggle switch to activate or deactivate. 

Course Specific Terms: the terms you enter here will replace the standard Terms and Conditions you have set for your account for this course only. If left blank, your standard terms apply. There is a toggle switch to activate or deactivate the visibility. 

Prerequisite: only participants that have completed the course(s) specified as a prerequisite, can enrol in this course. 

The course content must be saved and published for others to view it.

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