Administrator and Roles

Administrator and Roles

Find it quickly: Settings > Administrators

How do I add a new administrator?

You can add a new administrator by clicking the Create button that appears on the top of your screen. Once a new user has created their profile, an email will be sent to the Superadmin/ Owner for confirmation. 

Available Roles & Access Rights

When you create a new administrator you can specify the access level that determines what the administrator sees. Below is a detailed explanation of each administrator role. 

Superadmin/ Owner: 

Manages everything, and has access to everything. It can also edit the roles of others but not downgrade their role. 

Staff:  The staff role can view and edit the following sections 
  1. LMS Content Builder 
  2. Course settings 
  3. Exports 
  4. Branding 
  5. Languages 
  6. Administrators
  7. Users 
  8. Pages

Staff members can only view the Dashboards and the eCommerce section will not be available to them. 

Content Editor: 

The following role has been created to allow certain users to edit the learning content, also allowing them to edit or create new landing pages for your marketing campaigns. More specifically: 
  1. They can only view the dashboards  
  2. They can view or edit course settings  
  3. They can view or edit the LMS content
  4. They can only view the user's section and admins' sections
  5. They can only view your blog and pages  

This is usually a role to be used by organizations to access and manage the financial aspects of your website. Thus this role can view only the dashboard and exports. 

Project Manager: 

A project manager cannot edit or add course content, but they can manage course parameters, such as ensuring that learnings are been published on a schedule and to the appropriate audience. 


Through the coordinator role, there will be only viewing rights to the courses and content, as well as the pages section. The users can be edited by a coordinator and a coordinator would be allowed to export. 

Pages and administrators sections can only be read, not edited, whereas user sections can be edited. 


Instructors would only have viewing privileges to the learning content, they're the ones to be assigned to a course or an event. 

How do I edit an administrator? 

You can edit an administrator's role by clicking on the pen icon on the right side of the screen. Here you can choose the role you desire for each administrator.

How do I delete an administrator?

Go to Settings > Administrator to remove an administrator from your account. Your account administrators will be listed on this page. To remove an administrator from your account, locate it and click the trash can icon to the right of the administrator's name.

A message will appear asking you to confirm that you want to delete the user. Click the square icon to confirm.

What happens when an Administrator is deleted?

There is nothing to worry about when removing an administrator from your account. 
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